Monday, March 18, 2013

Judge Finds Both Football Players Delinquent (Guilty) in Steubenville Rape Case

Two Steubenville High School football players were found guilty this morning of raping a 16-year-old West Virginia girl.
After the judge announced his verdict that both defendants were guilty (delinquent), one of the defendants could be heard sobbing, while attorneys for both teens immediately tried to make their case for a reduced sentence.
The case became a national story because of images and video of the rape that was put on social media, and the brazen attempt to cover up the crime. The cover up drew a push back from Anonymous and other protesters. The fact that the town of Steubenville was divided over something that everyone should agree on (sexual assault and rape are wrong) demonstrates the how the insidious repugican war on women has infiltrated the public dialogue.
Instead of taking the allegations seriously, many in Steubenville tried to cover them up or blame the victim. Today, those people are facing the reality that two members of their beloved football team are convicted rapists. The sense of entitlement surrounding the football team and their supporters has been shattered, as the message was delivered that rape is still a crime even when committed by athletes.
The defense never stopped trying to smear and destroy the victim, but in the end justice was done. My fear is that the intimidation tactics, cover ups, and smears will discourage other women from coming forward. The football players have been convicted, but some in the Steubenville community sent the powerfully destructive message that women should shut up and keep their rapes to themselves.
As long as repugicans keep advocating for laws that defend rapists, force women to carry their rapists’ babies, claim women can’t get pregnant from rape, and try to change the definition of rape, men and women who believe that rape is wrong must remain active and vigilant. The fact that the fight to convict these players was so contentious and difficult demonstrates how far we have yet to go. 
Hey, no use crying now - You did the crime now do the time!

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