Sunday, March 17, 2013

Reeking of Obama Hate and Desperation, Sarah Palin Was the Joke at CPAC

At CPAC, Sarah Palin stepped straight out of 2008 and offered America the same desperate, cartoonish, Obama hate that has made her a national joke.
It is safe to say that if you have seen Sarah Palin speak for more than two minutes over the past five years, you’ve already seen this speech. Even the people who are usually kind to her in the mainstream media are calling her speech “disjointed,” and pointing out that this is stark reminder of how far Palin has fallen since the heady days when a certain repugican nominee’s presidential campaign thought vetting a running mate was something that should be limited to a Google search.
It was ironic that Palin complained that Washington repugicans are, “being too scripted, too calculated. They’re talking about rebuilding the party, how about rebuilding the middle class?” First of all, Sarah Palin couldn’t wait to bolt from Alaska in order to cash in on her fifteen minutes of fame, so the only thing she knows about the middle class is that she wouldn’t be caught dead in it. Secondly, Palin whined about Washington repugicans being too scripted and calculated while she was a delivering a pre-scripted and heavily calculated speech.
This speech also featured all of her Obama hate classics. Palin worked in a joke about Obama and his teleprompter, even though she can’t string two sentences together without one and made a not too veiled birther joke, “More background checks? Dandy idea Mr. President. Should’ve started with yours.”
Palin continued her years old feud with Karl Rove, “If these experts keep losing elections, keep raking in millions, if they feel that strongly about who should run in this party they should buck up and run or stay in the truck. The architects can head on back to the Lone Star State and put their name on the ballot.” (More irony here, as Palin has been taking money from the rubes on the right for years by teasing a presidential run without ever putting her name on the ballot.) Seriously, this feud with Rove goes the whole way back to 2010, but the mainstream media is acting like this is something new.
Sarah Palin was high on her own supply and dishing out her memorized zingers like it was 2008 all over again.
Too much shouldn’t be read into the fact that Palin had the CPAC crowd in stitches. Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, and Wayne LaPierre each had them rolling in the aisles. Saying anything bad or hateful about Democrats and Obama is all it took to send this crowd into hysterics.
From a potential heartbeat away from the presidency to willing to be the wingnuts' rodeo clown for a buck, Sarah Palin is living on the Skid Row of American politics.
CPAC may have been laughing with her, but the rest of the country is laughing at the idea that the repugican cabal once tried to sell this wigged out clown as presidential material.
Sarah, stick to Facebook.

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