Friday, March 29, 2013

The $91,500 Crocodile Skin T-Shirt

Ack! We've been underpricing our T-shirts over at the NeatoShop! Choire Sicha of The Awl has discovered the most expensive T-shirt for sale in New York City: a crocodile skin T-shirt in the Hermès men's store on Madison Avenue, listed for $91,500.
This t-shirt, to be fair, is made out of crocodile, hence its price. Literally, the entire shirt is just luxurious, beautifully sewn swaths of crocodile. This makes it possibly rather uncomfortable, and perhaps a little heavy, for a t-shirt. Seems like you might feel a little clammy in it? Also kind of awkward to just have everyone stare at your shirt. ("Is that strange rich man wearing a crocodile???)
Forgive me for not having pictures of the t-shirt itself; photographs are forbidden at the Hermès store, most probably as an anti-knockoff policy, or possibly to keep secret the fact that there are t-shirts that cost MORE THAN THREE OR FOUR ACTUALLY QUITE DECENT CARS.
And what does a $91,500 crocodile leather t-shirt look like? The Daily Mail has the pic. I'll wait till it goes on sale at Costco!

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