Friday, March 1, 2013

The Daily Drift

We're making it better ...

Carolina Naturally is read in 190 countries around the world daily.

Long time readers of this blog know about the format changes it has evolved through to its present state.

Also the 5plus month hiatus forced upon it by technical issues (along with staff issues) we experienced the first half of the year last year(2012), from which we emerged even stronger than before with our readership actually going way up following the hiatus.

We ended the year with nearly 1 million readers which is great for an unadvertised blog only up and running for 7 months out of the year. (The numbers this year through two months show that the readership is still growing and growing rapidly.)

We had intended to revamp the format a bit in January of 2012 but that did not work out so we maintained the current format through the remainder of the year and into the first two months of this year.

However, the tweaks to the format that were in place yet not implemented are effective as is this day's postings. Most readers will not notice the changes - they are mainly in the production process.

Today is World Compliment Day 

Don't forget to visit our sister blog!

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