Friday, March 15, 2013

The Koch Brothers Have a Shiny New Propaganda Machine

Since the 2012 election repugicans continue to insist their problem is bad messaging. After all, who would turn down the opportunity to create mass poverty, starve as many children as possible, deny seniors access to healthcare and reduce women’s status to state controlled birthing machines?
We just don’t get that we don’t really need the vote – after all property owning men like the Koch brothers know what America needs and the last thing we need is a thriving middle class. We really don’t need a minimum wage, let alone a living wage.  Just ask the happy, peppy people in the Chinese labor camp that got Mitt Romney warm and fuzzy all over. They loved their camp so much, they had to be fenced in.  But then, it wasn’t like they really had time to venture beyond the camp anyways.
You’ll see and the Kochs have been busy making sure we get the message this time.
First, they got to work creating more ALEC like tentacles because obviously setting up dummy political movements like the teabaggers and buying politicians just isn’t enough to show us how things are going to work in the United States of Koch. The Association for American Innovation  is described as a business league that will promote free market bills in state legislatures –  just like ALEC.  Then there’s American Committment, which plans to emulate the Cato institute and Americans for Prosperity.   In other words, same lipstick, new schills.
” What we’re trying to do is take kind of the best research and analysis, and get it into a form that’s more appropriate to a mass audience, things like columns and talking points, blog posts, op-eds,” says Phil Kerpen, head of American Commitment.”
Translation: The spin machine didn’t do a good enough job before.  Now it’s time to really refine the propaganda, make it simple enough for “you people” to understand and spew it through as many tentacles as possible.

Next, they’re thinking of buying The Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, and the Los Angeles Times to get their message out to “you people.’
But don’t worry, the Koch’s “respect” the independents of journalists.  Their spokespuppet said so.  Think Progress reports:
The Koches, (sic) who some sources say are interested in the clout they could gain through the Times‘ editorial pages, could bid on their own or combine in a bid with Doug Manchester, the San Diego real estate magnate who bought the San Diego Union-Tribune in November 2011.

Missy Cohlmia, a spokeswoman for Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC, issued a statement to The Hollywood Reporter : “We respect the independence of the journalistic institutions referenced in today’s news stories… ”

Sure, they respect journalistic independence, just like they respected their employees’ political independence in 2012. In the Koch States of America, journalistic independence means schilling for the Kochs much like Faux schills for the repugican cabal.

When coupled with their additional ALEC “think tanks” that decide on the policies to be passed by Koch owned politicians in state legislatures and Congress, the next step is getting the “message” out to “you people” through Koch owned media. Then you people will be properly conditioned to vote the right way in the next election and if not, the election after that.
Don’t like obstructionism as we see from the Koch bought politicians in Congress? The solution is simple, just hand power over to more of them.  You’ll see legislation pass lickety split – as people are seeing first hand in  Koch owned states like North Carolina, Texas, Wisconsin and Ohio in which the wingnuts successfully gerrymandered their way to power.
Seriously, if we thought 2012 was tough, that’s nothing compared to what the Koch Brothers have in store for 2014 and 2016.

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