Sunday, March 24, 2013

Today in History

1208   King John of England opposes Innocent III on his nomination for archbishop of Canterbury.
1603   Queen Elizabeth I dies which will bring into power James VI of Scotland.
1663   Charles II of England awards lands known as Carolina in North America to eight members of the nobility who assisted in his restoration.
1664   In London, Roger Williams is granted a charter to colonize Rhode Island.
1720   The banking houses of Paris close in the wake of financial crisis.
1721   In Germany, the supremely talented Johann Sebastian Bach publishes the Six Brandenburg Concertos.
1765   Britain passes the Quartering Act, requiring the colonies to house 10,000 British troops in public and private buildings.
1862   Abolitionist Wendell Phillips speaks to a crowd about emancipation in Cincinnati, Ohio and is pelted by eggs.
1900   Mayor Van Wyck of New York breaks ground for the New York subway tunnel that will link Manhattan and Brooklyn.
1904   Vice Admiral Togo sinks seven Russian ships as the Japanese strengthen their blockade of Port Arthur.
1927   Chinese Communists seize Nanking and break with Chiang Kai-shek over the Nationalist goals.
1938   The United States asks that all powers help refugees fleeing from the Nazis.
1944   The Gestapo rounds up innocent Italians in Rome and shoot them to death in reprisal for a bomb attack that killed 33 German policemen.
1947   Congress proposes limiting the presidency to two terms.
1951   General Douglas MacArthur threatens the Chinese with an extension of the Korean War if the proposed truce is not accepted.
1954   Great Britain opens trade talks with Hungary.
1955   Tennessee Williams' play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof opens at the Morosco Theatre in New York City.
1958   Elvis Presley trades in his guitar for a rifle and Army fatigues.
1965   The Freedom Marchers, citizens for civil rights, reach Montgomery, Alabama.
1967   Viet Cong ambush a truck convoy in South Vietnam damaging 82 of the 121 trucks.
1972   Great Britain imposes direct rule over Northern Ireland.
1985   Thousands demonstrate in Madrid against the NATO presence in Spain.
1989   The Exxon Valdez oil tanker spills 240,000 barrels of oil in Alaska's Prince William Sound.
1999   NATO planes, including stealth aircraft, attack Serbian forces in Kosovo.

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