Saturday, March 23, 2013

Why Women hate the repugican cabal

 As if you have no clue...

On Monday, the repugican cabal released a report detailing the reasons for the party’s 2012 defeat and posits strategies for winning future elections. It is clear that the repugican cabal attributes its loss to a failure in style, not substance. The report details the party’s inability to reach women, immigrants, young people, and people of color.

In other words, everyone but wealthy white straight men.

It largely ignores the possibility that what motivated voters to give Obama a second term was an aversion to the repugican cabal’s outdated vision for the nation.

They ignored this, too.

For non-mothers, the biggest thing to enter their uterus is a probe forced in there by an overbearing repugican cabal - but they want your vote.

Acknowledging that Obama won the single women’s vote by a “whopping 36 percent,” the report suggest ways the party can be more inclusive of this critical voting bloc:
Making a better effort to listen to female voters before telling them to shut the fuck up: fighting against the Democratic rhetoric against the “so-called War on Women”;  stopping the War on Women would help to accomplish that;  doing a better job communicating the repugican cabal’s policies and employing female spokespeople to do it; and using Women’s History Month to “remind voters of the repugican cabal's historical role in advancing the women’s rights movement.”

That reminds me of the vulgar Pigboy - Lush Dimbulb.
Whenever today's repugican cabal takes steps that hurt Black voters, Lush says, "But remember, Lincoln the repugican freed the slaves 150 years ago."

But all Lush was doing was remind Blacks that it's been 150 years since the repugican cabal did anything to help the Blacks, but he still considers that a smart move.

They hate women, they hate Blacks, they hate the poor and they hate Latinos and they can't figure out why the people they rail against won't vote for them


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