Thursday, April 4, 2013

Couple each caught drunk driving twice on the same day

A couple have allegedly been caught drunk driving twice each in the same car within hours on an island in Queensland, Australia.

Police say they pulled over a 27-year-old woman on North Stradbroke Island on Monday, who recorded a blood alcohol concentration of 0.126 per cent. The same car was intercepted a short time later and a 34-year-old man was found behind the wheel and police say he blew point-110.

After the couple were released, police saw the same car being driven again. The man was back behind the wheel and was charged with drink driving and driving while suspended after recording yet another positive reading.

When the man was released yet again, the couple returned to the car. Police say the woman drove again this time. She was also charged with drunk driving and driving while suspended. Both will appear in Cleveland Magistrates Court on May 14.

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