Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Dear Evolution, Get Bent

vSome animals seem to have gotten the short end of the stick from evolution. In a humorous post at Scientific American, some of these animals let their grievances be made known. A letter from an Emperor penguin starts out:
Let’s start with the wings: did you really have to turn them into flippers? Don’t get us wrong—we appreciate the swimming and diving talents. But couldn’t you have come up with some kind of compromise so that we could still fly? Maybe a 2-in-1 special, a wing/flipper hybrid? After all, there are fish that can fly. Some squid can fly. And they don’t even have feathers. We know we’re not alone in being flightless, but you made ostriches, emus and cassowaries total badasses, what with their powerful legs and deadly claws. We’re more like large tuxedoed kiwis.
That's just the first part of the poor penguin's complaints. But it's not all bad. Some animals express gratitude for perks as well as quibbles. More

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