Saturday, April 13, 2013

Editorial Comment

From all the hate mail we have been receiving from repugicans and other assorted wingnuts we here at Carolina Naturally are doing things correctly.

Troglodytes don't like it when you furnish them with the truth or facts they knee-jerk and begin to spout even more hatred and nonsense than they normally do. And their numerous threats to 'shut us down' have resulted in an increase in readership - not what they intended we're sure.

Not to rub it in to the wingnuts but fan mail outnumbers your hate mail by at least 20 to 1 on an average day. So, this is one site where you will fail in bombarding it with negativity and lies like you have with so many sites on the web. You are a infinitesimal minority and always have been and will be so get used to it. People have had enough of your ilk and the world will not abide you any longer.

Thank you to all the positive comments from our readers.

Now if we could get the Spammers to cease filling our inbox with Spam it would be a perfect world.

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