Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hey, repugicans, I hate to insult you - but your representatives are stupid

From Daily Kos...

I know this has been covered before, but I just have to ask the question:

    Building managers and legislative staffers have sought to reassure some concerned Tennessee lawmakers that recent renovations at the state Capitol did not install special facilities for Muslims to wash their feet before praying.

    "I confirmed with the facility administrator for the State Capitol Complex that the floor-level sink installed in the men's restroom outside the House Chamber is for housekeeping use," Legislative Administration Director Connie Ridley wrote in an email. "It is, in layman's terms, a mop sink."

Exactly how screwed up do you have to be to assume that a new map sink in your capitol building was, in fact, a secret advancement of Sharia law?

  But, repugican Sen. Bill Ketron, r-Murfreesboro, confirmed that he had spoken to Humphrey about whether there were religious reasons for the new sink after the issue was raised by Rep. Judd Matheny, r-Tullahoma. […]

    Matheny and Ketron were the main sponsors of a 2011 bill that sought to make it a felony to follow some versions of the Islamic code known as Shariah law.

Holy janitorial accessories, Batman, some of our state legislators have way, way too much time on their hands.

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