Sunday, April 21, 2013

Indian man raped 5-year-old girl

Child held in captive in man's house Pakistan, Afghanistan, India map 
Indian police have arrested a man who they say abducted a 5-year-old girl, kept her captive in his house and repeatedly raped her.
The girl was initially admitted to a hospital in her neighborhood, where doctors said they removed foreign objects from her genitals, including candle pieces and a small bottle.
The assault came barely months after a 23-year physiotherapy student was savagely gang-raped in a moving bus in an attack that triggered seething protests in the country. She later died at a Singapore hospital.
In the latest case, a neighbor abducted the girl, locked her in a house and brutally raped her repeatedly before she was found semiconscious three days later, according to police.
The suspect was arrested in Bihar state in eastern India and is being brought to New Delhi, city police spokesman Rajan Bhagat said.
She girl was later transferred to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences hospital in New Delhi.
Her condition has stabilized, according to hospital spokesman Y.K. Gupta, who said she underwent surgery to help with her bowel movement.
The attack sparked protests in New Delhi on Friday. Many demonstrators are members of a political party of the leading anti-corruption activist, Arvind Kejriwal.
Criticized for what was seen as his late response to the December bus-rape attack, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was quick to issue a statement this time, calling the act "shameful".
And as the nation's media ran footage of a police officer slapping a female protester, Singh also ordered strict action against the officer and anyone who roughed up demonstrators. The girl went missing Sunday evening, her parents say, and police registered their report Monday.
She was found Wednesday in a house on the ground floor of her building.

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