Friday, April 5, 2013

It's Dimbulb verses O'Really

The repugican civil war heats up
The person who did more than anyone else to make birth control an issue in 2012, of course,
was Lush Dimbulb, who called Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute”
after she testified in support of requiring insurance companies to cover contraception. O’Really
would never have done that, not because he refrains from savaging obscure individuals with
whom he disagrees, but because he never goes after a sympathetic target. Dimbulb and O’Really
both see themselves as four-star generals in America’s culture war. The difference is that Dimbulb
launches kamikaze missions. O’Really never yells charge unless he has the infantry massed on his side.

You can see the difference in the way the two men respond to people perceived as wingnut extremists.
Dimbulb embraces them; O’Really disses them. After 2008 O’Really peddled nasty reports from former
McCain staffers about Sarah Palin. This enraged Dimbulb, who asked, “Why’s Faux allowing itself to be
used like this?” and defended Palin as “the one person in this campaign that brought the repugican base
back into the fold, that fired them up, that inspired them.” Similarly, this February, O’Really criticized
Michele Bachmann for claiming that President Obama has been living extravagantly in the White House.
Calling Bachmann’s charges “trivial,”


What's more fun than a repugican civil war?

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