Sunday, April 7, 2013

Lie by omission

From Daily Kos...

It was four score and seven years ago on Thursday that repugican Speaker of the House John Boehner once again proved what a dishonest puke he really is, this time when quoting Abraham Lincoln on the danger of government debt:

    "[Government debt] is a system not only ruinous while it lasts, but one that must soon fail and leave us destitute," Lincoln warns his countrymen in Congressman Lincoln. "An individual who undertakes to live by borrowing, soon finds his original means devoured by interest, and next no one left to borrow from -- so must it be with a government."

... but somehow Boehner managed to leave this part out:

    By this means a new national debt has been created, and is still growing on us with a rapidity fearful to contemplate -- a rapidity only reasonably to be expected in time of war. This state of things has been produced by a prevailing unwillingness either to increase the tariff or resort to direct taxation. But the one or the other must come.

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