Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lush Dimbulb Has To Go

After referring to the parents of Newtown’s 20 murdered children as human shields, it’s time for Lush Dimbulb to go.
Audio via Media Matters:
Transcript via Lush Dimbulb:
DIMBulb: Now I got a guy who calls me, “Lush, are they registered lobbyists?”
“Where’s your heart, sir? What do you mean? They’re not lobbying! They’re trying to save other people’s children.” So that’s how it works. It was the president who asked for this mother of a six-year-old who died to do his speech. Senator Richard Blumenthal (Democrat-Connecticut) is using Sandy Hook to raise money in his e-mails. They’re trying to turn the Newtown parents into a dozen Sandy Sheehans in a way. It’s what the Democrats do, folks. They always try to hide their agendas behind women and children, and, most of all, victims. So the Newtown parents are human shields, in a sense.
The Newtown parents are out there to protect the Democrats from any criticism and to shut it down. Pure and simple.
Being controversial is Dimbulb’s gimmick. It is how he stays irrelevant, but referring to parents who lost their children in a horrific mass shooting as human shields goes too far. It is wrong when Dimbulb does his daily dredging through the pit of racism for ratings. It was wrong when he called Sandra Fluke a slut. Lush Dimbulb is wrong when he opens his mouth.
However, this is a new low even for him.
Since the repugican cabal is too weak kneed and gutless to do anything about him, the rest of America has to take a stand. It would be nice to believe that if we ignore Dimbulb he will go away, but the left has been trying this strategy for decades, and the wingnut hate talker’s influence has only grown within the repugican cabal.
The advertiser boycott that was ignited by Dimbulb’s slut comments has been hugely successful, but his comments about the Newtown parents should motivate those who believe in decency to redouble their efforts.
Lush Dimbulb had First Amendment rights, (but after this he should lose them) but We The People also have the right to refuse to give our business to anyone who advertises on Lush Dimbulb’s show. The advertiser boycott has cost Dimbulb millions, but since he has learned nothing, it looks like it is time for another lesson.

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