Sunday, April 14, 2013

North Korea Targets Colorado Springs

vThe latest propaganda video released by North Korea threatens specific targets in the US: Washington, Los Angeles, Honolulu, and Colorado Springs. Except they don't know where Colorado Springs is.
The only problem is that the video, released by the state-run media organization Uriminzokkiri, misidentifies Colorado Springs’ location by about 1,000 miles. As the voice-over excitedly discusses North Korea’s plan to launch a missile at the home of a number of important military installations, as well as the U.S. Air Force Academy, a dot on a map meant to indicate the city actually appears somewhere over the deep south.

You can hear the narrator mention Colorado Springs at about 1 minute, 20 seconds into the video, as a scary-looking line is shown shooting out from North Korea and landing somewhere in the vicinity of Shreveport, La., a 900-mile drive southeast from the intended target.
Like other recent North Korean videos, the intended effect is probably to solidify internal support. Any actual missile routes from North Korea to the US would be polar. Their KN-08 missiles mentioned in the video are so far untested. See the entire video at the Washington Post.

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