Sunday, April 28, 2013

Swedish customs workers grew cannabis plants at work 'to find out how fast they grow'

Two Swedish customs workers have been reported to the police after growing cannabis plants at work, an act the pair claims was purely for research purposes.

The staff members were working at the Swedish customs offices in Helsingborg, where they grew marijuana plants behind closed doors on the premises. The pair were reported for professional misconduct after growing a small number of plants.

"In itself, it's no serious narcotics crime, it's not exactly like they had an amphetamine lab," prosecutor Mats Eriksson said. "The serious thing is that this occurred at Swedish customs and that it was during working hours." The suspects claimed that they were only cultivating the plants as an experiment "to find out how fast they grow".

Authorities at Swedish customs have refused to comment on the find, and have not indicated whether the employees have been fired. However, the two men have been temporarily replaced and had their keys confiscated. An investigation has been launched by Malmö police.

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