Thursday, April 25, 2013

The truth hurts

The US was the largest global importer of raw goods and the largest exporter of finished goods.
The US set global Education standards.
The US set global manufacturing standards.
Education was either free or very affordable for the middle class.
Workers earned a living wage including pensions and insurance.
30% of the work force was unionized.
The US had an actual energy policy that included investments in renewable energy.

The US is the largest importer of finished goods and the largest exporter of raw goods.
The US ranks 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math.
The US trails most first world countries in manufacturing.
The US has sold or given its tech edge to China, India and other second world countries.
Education is becoming privatized for profit, putting profit before performance.
Only 9% of workers are unionized.
Workers lost homes and pensions to gambling banks which profited from the workers' loses.
The US has no energy policy except to continue to promote 19th century energy, making energy more expensive and oil companies richer.
So tell us again why this clown wasn't the worst presidential pretender in all of US history - that is until the shrub junta who stole their way into the oval office in 2000.

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