Monday, April 29, 2013

Three-legged alligator attempted to speed up play at golf tournament

During first round play the Zurich Classic golf tournament in Louisiana a three-legged alligator got bored sunning itself on the bank of a course water hazard and decided to become a hazard of its own by wandering out onto the course amidst the players and officials.

Golf channel analyst Nick Faldo jokingly said the reptile was being used as a tool by PGA officials to try and curb the growing problem of slow play on the course.

If that were the case they probably would have chosen an alligator with four fully functioning limbs. Sending one out with only three legs is like a warning shot across the bow.

Luckily for everyone involved the gator, estimated to be around 12 feet in length, was “Tripod,” a three-legged beast that has become somewhat of a regular at the course only seemed interested in meandering across the fairway, keeping to himself and minding his own business.

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