Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Faux News Correspondent Gets Busted as ‘Criminal Co-Conspirator’ in CIA Leak

The repugicans demanded investigations into press leaks. They’re getting them. Sadly for them, one of the leaks came from a Faux News reporter who has been outed as a co-conspirator in a leak of classified documents. DER.
The repugican cabal PR network issued a statement today condemning the fact that the Obama administration took repugicans’ demands to heart. Actually, they started investigating those leaks before the repugicans demanded it. Faux’s statement: “We are outraged to learn today that James Rosen was named a criminal co-conspirator for simply doing his job as a reporter. In fact, it is downright chilling. We will unequivocally defend his right to operate as a member of what up until now has always been a free press.”

The Washington Post dropped the bombshell on Monday that a federal judge had found probable cause that Faux News Chief Washington Correspondent (and historical revisionist and Nixon defender) James Rosen was a co-conspirator. Rosen reportedly solicited a top-secret CIA report on North Korea from government adviser Stephen Jin-Woo Kim in 2009, and unauthorized leaks are not covered under freedom of the press.
It looks like Faux’s man broke the law, which puts the propaganda outlet at risk for being a target. FBI agent Reginald Reyes wrote that “there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, ‘at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.’ That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.”
However, WaPo notes:
The case of Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, the government adviser, and James Rosen, the chief Washington correspondent for Faux News, bears striking similarities to a sweeping leaks investigation disclosed last week in which federal investigators obtained records over two months of more than 20 telephone lines assigned to the Associated Press.
In June of 2011, the New York Times revealed that in August of 2010, Stephen J. Kim “was charged with violating the Espionage Act — not by aiding some foreign adversary, but by revealing classified information to a Faux News reporter.” (Perhaps it’s time we name Faux as a foreign adversary.)
Let us not forget that alleged concerns for intelligence matters and national security led repugicans on their election time charge against the Obama administration:
The numerous national-security leaks reportedly originating out of the executive branch in recent months have been stunning,” they (repugicans) wrote to Holder.
“If true, they reveal details of some of our nation’s most highly classified and sensitive military and intelligence matters, thereby risking our national security, as well as the lives of American citizens and our allies. If there were ever a case requiring an outside special counsel with bipartisan acceptance and widespread public trust, this is it,” they wrote.
But now that a federal judge has found a Faux News correspondent a co-conspirator in a leak of classified documents, repugicans are outraged that the horrible Obama administration took their advice. Lush Dimbulb went ballistic, high on his usual fumes of misinformation and ignorance. Screaming that Nixon only dreamed of taking bugging this far, because he only bugged himself (?), Lush continued:
“According to the Washington Post, upon hearing learning of Rosen’s report, the White House launched what many believe is an unprecedented leak probe that went so far as to criminalize standard news-gathering. Because the Justice Department believes the source of the leak to Rosen was Jin-Woo Kim, a government adviser, he is facing federal charges that could land him a 10-year prison sentence.” What happened here is that the regime intercepted the reporter’s e-mails. They basically bugged the reporter to find out his sources.
Lush called it a banana republic, among other insults best left to soggy tea bags and children’s playgrounds.
Faux News said they are “outraged”. I’ll bet they are. Benghazi gate is dead, although the real Benghazi scandal about just which repugicans deliberately misled the public, Congress, and the press about the content and meaning of Obama administration emails is just getting warmed up.
IRS gate is close to dying since wingnuts weren’t actually targeted anymore than they should have been save perhaps for a two “rogue” agents (that’s “bad apple” to you, wingnuts), and proportionately not more than liberals were. What is scandalous is just how much certain conservative groups are getting away with under the guise of “social welfare”.
AP gate came about because repugicans demanded an investigation into the “Obama administration leaks”, which leads us to their outrage today over the free press. At least we can now confirm that repugicans are behind the leak scandal, as well.
I’m sure Faux News does not qualify for the shield law, or as “free press”, since technically, they are second majority shareholder foreign owned and also, a public relations arm of a political party, as proven by their free air time to candidates, undisclosed donations and undisclosed bias. Perhaps we ought to have the Obama administration investigate Faux’s license to be sure they qualify. Oh, I kid. Nixon only dreamed of doing that. Right?

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