Friday, May 17, 2013

Astronomical News

NASA’s planet-hunting Kepler space telescope has shut down due to an apparent problem with its positioning system, suspending indefinitely its science mission.
Because the Manhattan skyline is so iconic, New York City is often the backdrop for implausible imaginary sci-fi futures -- now see an artist's fanciful renderings of NYC on 5 planets of the solar system.
As Star Trek 'Into Darkness' hits movie screens, let's take a look at the plausibility of traveling at warp speed and some of the real physics behind the warp drive.
A rare isotope of iron found in fossilized bacteria under the Pacific ocean gives clues to a near-Earth supernova which exploded 2.2 million years ago.
An exoplanet has been discovered by Kepler using a strange quirk of relativity.

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