Friday, May 24, 2013

Attacking the defenseless AKA Standard repugican Procedure

Mean-spirited, lacking n compassion, cruel, heartless, selfish, vicious, lacking in empathy, nasty - sorry, but I'm running out of adjectives for repugicans. (actually I have a lot more but they're not fit to print)

From Occupy Democrats...

If you thought that the tea party repugican House couldn't sink their stature any lower, think again. Their latest attack on the American middle-class is against America's most innocent, vulnerable, and needy groups: hungry poor children and school kids.

Although they have remained steadfast in their support of the federal government doling out massive budget busting corporate welfare to international banks and multinational corporations, House repugicans have finally found what is wrong with America, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

On Wednesday, the House Agriculture Committee voted to cut $21 billion from SNAP's budget. If signed into law, these heartless cuts would yank food stamps away from 2 million poor kids. To make matters worse, they would also ensure that 200,000 poor and hungry school kids would not be able to get free school lunches that are vital for their nutrition and health.

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