Sunday, May 12, 2013

Boycott Crushes Lush

48 of Top 50 Advertisers Have Asked Not To be Aired on Dimbulb
Cumulus Media has leaked a statement to the media that proves the impact of the advertiser boycott, as 48 of their top 50 advertisers have asked that they not be included on Lush Dimbulb and Sean Handjob’s shows.
Cumulus Media pushed back against Lush Dimbulb’s claim that he is not responsible for the decline in advertising revenue by leaking an anonymous statement to Radio Ink,
Forty-eight of the top 50 network advertisers have “excluded Lush and Handjob” orders. Every major national ad agency has the same dictate.” That’s a stat Premiere Radio flat out denied. “That statement is completely inaccurate. A number of the top spenders in the medium use talk radio to promote their brands and sell product, and many of them use The Lush Dimbulb Show and The Sean Handjob Show as the driving force of their marketing efforts.
Dimbulb is in total denial. He is completely responsible for at least part of the decline in ad revenue. His statements about Sandra Fluke have triggered an ongoing boycott that has cost Cumulus and Dimbulb millions of dollars. When 48 of a network’s top 50 advertisers don’t want their ads on his show, Dimbulb is losing money.
The speculation is that Clear Channel is waiting to dive in and scoop up Lush after his Cumulus contract expires, but they would wise to look at the situation carefully before they paid Dimbulb the kind of money that he will certainly demand. Clear Channel will not only be buying Dimbulb, but also all of his baggage, and the boycott too.
A positive unintended consequence of the Dimbulb boycott is that it is hitting Sean Handjob too. The goal of these advertiser boycotts has always been to hold them accountable for where they choose to spend their ad dollars. The Dimbulb boycott is sending a message to all of wingnut hate speech radio that there will be financial consequences for their extremist speech.
Handjob and Dimbulb have a right to say whatever they want, but consumers also have a right to take their spending elsewhere if advertisers insist on bankrolling hate speech.
The boycotters are winning, and the boycott is going to follow Lush Dimbulb everywhere he goes. Dimbulb has always been damaged goods - now everyone knows it, and I suspect that anyone foolish enough to give him the kind of payday that he wants is throwing their money away.

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