Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fiscally Responsible repugicans?


If the Sasquatch, Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, and a Fiscally Responsible Congressional repugican all walked into a bar, who would order the first drink?
Trick question. None of those people exist.
The myth of the Fiscally Responsible repugican has been debunked so many times now it’s not worth much more than a laugh when the austerity-pushing morons get up to their old tricks. All one has to do is cast their gaze back to the shrub junta to see just how fiscally responsible repugicans truly are. A decade of wars on two credit cards, combined with a staggering lack of understanding what would happen if we didn’t raise taxes to help pay for those wars is pretty much all the proof you need. But if you were looking for the real proof of just how bone-headed and stupid these jackasses are, you can look no further than the bullshit games they play with our country’s debt ceiling.
For some reason, the repugicans in Congress still haven’t latched onto the notion that the Debt Ceiling has absolutely, positively, nothing to do with new or future spending. We all get it, repugicans. You guys hate spending and you want to do everything you can to stop all future spending no matter how helpful it is to the world or its economy. The problem is that when you try to hold the debt ceiling hostage, the only thing you’re doing is showing everybody that half of America’s politicians are totally cool with the world thinking we’re deadbeat dads. What the debt ceiling does is simply allow the government to keep paying debts it has already incurred. 
The other sticky wicket the repugicans constantly find themselves in is the fact that the Constitution itself says our country’s national debt is to always be considered valid, and to always be paid. For a group of people who claim to hold the patent on Constitutional scholarship, they sure don’t know about the finer details like, you know, not defaulting on our damn debts. In fact, the very definition of not paying your debts is to be fiscally irresponsible. Yet that’s been the one tool they’ve tried to wield the most when negotiating with the Obama White House and Senate Democrats over the budget. How anyone who considers themselves a party that first and foremost doesn’t dick around with money, can then turn around and threaten to stop paying our debts, is beyond my reason to understand.

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