Friday, May 10, 2013

John Boehner Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot, and Insults The Troops In Spectacular Fashion

John Boehner opened mouth and inserted foot in a spectacular fashion when he told Bloomberg that paying back China was a higher priority than paying the troops.


Speaker Boehner: Our goal here is to get ourselves on a sustainable path from a fiscal standpoint. I think doing a debt prioritization bill makes it clear to our bondholders that we’re going to meet our obligations.

Peter Cook: Doesn’t it mean as Democrats have basically suggested, you’re choosing to pay China before U.S. troops?
Boehner: Listen. Those who have loaned us money, like in any other proceeding, if you will, court proceeding, the bondholders usually get paid first. Same thing here.
Cook: And you don’t worry about the politics of this?
Boehner: No. Not at all.
In the same interview, Boehner also claimed that Obama’s economic policies are preventing economic growth, “repugicans have a plan to get our economy going again, get wages growing again and get job opportunities growing again. Things like fixing our long-term spending problem, fixing our broken tax code to make America more competitive. How about expanding American energy production and the Keystone Pipeline? There are a lot of things. The red tape – in many cases, it’s the president’s own policies that are getting in the way of growing our economy.”
The repugicans seem to be building on the apathy that they first displayed towards the troops during the shrub years. In fact, Boehner has moved on from apathy to flat out deprioritization. The Full Faith and Credit Act that House repugicans are pushing is all about priorities. If repugicans refuses to raise the debt ceiling and the nation defaults, the Full Faith and Credit Act would mandate that the Treasury Department pay the Chinese before they pay for things like national security, the military, and the troops.
It isn’t an exaggeration to say that this piece of legislation literally puts the Chinese government ahead of the troops in the battlefield.
The reality of the legislation is bad enough, but then John Boehner opened his mouth and dropped an atomic bomb on the repugican house of cards.
Behind the bluster, the Full Faith and Credit Act is nothing more than another House repugican threat to push the economy over the brink. As usual, House repugicans failed to think this through. Their threat has turned into a giant red, white, and blue club that Democrats are using to against them.
This bill is an insult to every active duty member of the military, and their families.

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