Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lush Dimbulb Blames Voting For Obama For Cleveland Kidnappings

On his radio show Tuesday, Lush Dimbulb tried to blame the Cleveland kidnappings on voting for Obama.
Here is the audio from Media Matters:
Dimbulb said, “Three women missing nine plus years, found alive, all were teenagers when they disappeared. Does anybody know yet why? Has the story advanced yet? Three brothers..their brothers, Three brothers, but not related to the three women have been arrested in Cleveland, which voted Obama. Not that that has anything to do with anything. One of who has a baby. Double welfare benefits if one of the women has a baby. No, I don’t know. Fascinating that the same thing happened on Hawaii 5-0, and I guarantee you people watch it. It happened on TV. It is for real.”
Here’s the problem with Dimbulb’s attempt to blame voting for Obama for this behavior. These kidnapping occurred a decade or more ago when the shrub was pretending to be president. It is impossible to blame voting for Obama when he wasn’t even candidate for president when these horrible events occurred.
Dimbulb’s bigger point was that places that vote for Obama are less moral than the red areas that support repugicans. What he was suggesting to his audience was that this happened in Cleveland because Obama voters are criminals and sickos. His comments prove again that Lush Dimbulb will take any event large or small, and turn it into a reason to blame Obama.
He has taken the awful events in Cleveland, and twisted them to suit his own warped political motives. These kidnappings could have happened in any city in the country. Would Dimbulb be blaming Obama if the three women had been found in a red state?
Lush Dimbulb was also trying to inject racism into the conversation because the three men arrested in the case, Pedro, Ariel and Oneil Castro, are not white.
The fact that the three girls were kidnapped between 2002 and 2003 makes Lush Dimbulb’s attempt to blame voting for Obama pathetic and sad. It is very possible that the men who did this voted for the shrub, or didn’t vote at all. It really doesn’t matter, because politics has nothing to do with this.
Lush Dimbulb’s mind has been consumed by Obama hatred, and he will use anything to infect millions with his plague of hate for this president. Nothing is off limits. Not even the nightmarish ordeal of three women in Cleveland, Ohio. There is no such thing as a low too low for Lush Dimbulb.

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