Friday, May 31, 2013

Pregnant elephant does prenatal Pilates

Rozie the pregnant Asian elephant at Albuquerque Zoo is doing Pilates to build strength and flexibility. She and the rest of the herd are part of a well-developed exercise and enrichment program that keeps the pachyderms healthy and happy.

Zookeepers are paying extra close attention to Rozie's routine to keep her fit for a healthy pregnancy and to prepare for a successful birth. "We have exercise sessions twice a day with leg lifts, squats and other calisthenics," said Rhonda Saiers, Elephant Manager.

"The exercises are especially important for Rozie. When she is strong and at ideal weight, we know chances are much better that she'll have an uncomplicated and successful birth. Just as in humans, birth carries risks, but we're doing all we can to minimize those."

Elephant calves have the longest gestation period of any mammal at around 21 months. "Due dates" are difficult to predict, so zookeepers use a birth window for planning. In this case, Rozie could give birth anytime between August and November.

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