Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Science News

Do science: The life you save may be your own

One of the people who developed the pacemaker is now 86. And he has a pacemaker

Your very fallible memory 

Your memories can be manipulated and changed. In fact, this happens often. And you're the one doing it to yourself. 

Who are these crazy people out chasing tornadoes?

National Geographic News has an interview with Tim Samaras — an engineer, a scientist who studies severe storm systems, and a tornado chaser. Not all chasers are professionals like this. For many people, it's a hobby often motivated by a desire to help keep other people safe. Personally, I see a lot of similarities between hobbyist tornado chasers and the HAM radio folks — in fact, there's a lot of overlap between the two communities. And, as Samaras explains, if you want to get involved, there's training you really ought to do first

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