Sunday, May 26, 2013

Surgeons removed 4-pound hairball from 400-pound tiger

A 28-stone tiger has gone under the knife in Florida to remove a 4lb hairball. Veterinary surgeons in Tampa Bay were called in after Ty the tiger failed to cough up the monster obstruction all by himself.

Understandably, the 17-year-old big cat had been off his food for nearly two weeks. The vets initially performed an ultrasound and took X-rays before using a endoscope with a camera to gauge the size of the hairball.

But it was so big, they determined there was no chance of retrieving it that way and an operation would be needed. Ty is cared for by Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation in Seminole. "He's sort of like my biggest baby. This is my kid. This tiger means more to me than any cat that I have," founder Vernon Yates said.

"I'm very thankful that we found what it is. That it's not some tumor, cancerous ... because he'll recover from this and I can't thank enough the surgeon and doctors from BluePearl that's worked on him," he added. The non-profit animal rescue group generally assists Florida law enforcement with animals that have been seized.

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