Monday, May 27, 2013

The Butt Of repugican Jokes, A Big Liberal State Has A Problem ...

... A Budget Surplus
In February Texas repugican Governor Rick Perry made a trip to California. His supposed intent was to lure California businesses to Texas. The premise is that Texas is more business friendly than California. To be sure, Texas is a state that gives away over $19 Billion in taxpayer dollars even as it cuts basic and higher education.
California has been seen as a basket case with regards to its exploding budget deficits. Interesting enough this was occurring during the junta of repugican Arnold Schwarzenegger. He attributed the deficits to reduced tax revenues and overspending. He cut programs in draconian fashion but could never escape the reality that he was making the problem worse. Ultimately he did what both Reagan and the shrub did, leave exploding deficits to their successors.
Democrats President Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama, and Governor Jerry Brown did not attempt an ideological game with blinders to the actual results. They tried basic arithmetic. They raised taxes. Interesting enough, the results were the same.
Bill Clinton got a balance budget with a surplus. Barrack Obama is seeing a budget deficit that is shrinking much faster than anyone expected and much faster than advised by economist for proven Keynesian economic reasons. Suffice it to say that the budget deficit hole left by two wars, two massive tax cuts, and a massive drug program on the credit card by the previous administration along with an irresponsible & intransigent Congress cannot be solved in two terms.
Jerry Brown remembered basic arithmetic as well as he brought California to a budget surplus. He raised taxes on the wealthy and cut programs (some more than he should). Does this sound familiar, the balanced approach? Time and time again the evidence is out there that it works and it improves the economy for all.
Texas has a low unemployment rate comparatively. Texas has low regulations comparatively. That is great for business in the short term. After all, rain in the dessert makes for some of the most beautiful flora for a few weeks. We know exactly what happens after that. They dry up and die. The Texas flora may be flourishing as all the nutrients are being sucked out of the middle class. Twenty five percent of its people are without healthcare even as Governor Perry refuses to accept expanded Medicaid from Obamacare. Teachers’ wages are stagnant. Quality of public schools as measured by national tests is substandard and falling.
Maybe the reason California companies did not bite on Governor Perry’s “sell Texas” tour is that inasmuch as they may love that the Governor is willing to pilfer the middle class to bring them to Texas, they know a pilfered middle class does not make the best workforce.
California has a lot more work to do. A budget surplus is not enough. The governor must be commended for a job well done.

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