Thursday, May 9, 2013

Three fake nuns arrested smuggling cocaine under their habits

Police on the Colombian Caribbean island of San Andres arrested three fake nuns with a total of six kilos of cocaine concealed about their persons.

The three suspects, Colombians aged 20, 32 and 37 were arrested at the airport of San Andres as they were trying to enter the island after a flight from Bogota.

All three had hidden two kilos of cocaine under their religious habits. Police Capt. Oscar Davila says the three women appeared nervous, and the fabric didn't match that of the traditional habits of genuine women of god.

“They weren’t really religious, they weren’t nuns. On the contrary, they were taking advantage of this situation,” San Andres police commissioner Jorge Gomez said. The fake nuns were taken to the local prison to await trial.

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