Monday, May 13, 2013

With All of His Advertisers Gone, Lush Dimbulb Becomes A Wingnut Welfare Bum

Lush Dimbulb’s advertisers have deserted him, and the only way his radio remains financially sustainable is by being bankrolled by wingnut organizations. In short, Lush is now taking handouts.
After the news that 48 of Cumulus Media’s top 50 advertisers have requested that their ads no longer appear on Limbaugh’s show, the other shoe dropped. Media Matters reported that, “Lush Dimbulb’s syndicator, Premiere Radio Networks, is the single largest independent contractor to the Heritage Foundation according to their latest 990 filing with the IRS, receiving $2,236,555 from the think tank. With advertisers fleeing his show, and as a result radio companies suffering major losses, the fiscal sponsorship of the wingnut movement is now fiscally critical…Without wingnut welfare, which has also included sponsorships from FreedomWorks, Lush Dimbulb and Sean Handjob’s shows would not be financially viable.”
Wingnuts argue that the free market should be left alone. They make entire careers out of “keeping the government out of the free market.” They oppose any government regulation or taxation because it interferes with the free market, but when the free market decided that Lush Dimbulb’s show was not financially sustainable they threw their ideology out the window, and started subsidizing Dimbulb’s program.
What Dimbulb is doing is even worse than welfare. Lush Dimbulb and his fellow wingnut hate speech show hosts are engaging in payola. Groups like FreedomWorks and the Heritage Foundation spend millions of dollars a year paying the likes of Glenn Brick, Sean Handjob, and Lush Dimbulb to talk up their efforts without disclosing to their audiences that they are being paid to do so. Wingnut hate speech radio is a pay to play business, and thanks to the advertiser boycott, payola is the only thing keeping Lush Dimbulb’s show financially afloat.
The advertiser boycott has been so effective that Lush Dimbulb is living off of corporate welfare.
Lush Dimbulb, who once suggested that poor people shouldn’t be allowed to vote, can’t generate enough advertising revenue for his show to financially sustain itself. The glory days are over for Dimbulb. He is now dependant on the generosity of his fellow ideologues. The same wingnuts who want to defund PBS are secretly slipping Lush Dimbulb cash under the table.
If Big Bird should be subjected to the whims of the free market, Lush Dimbulb should too.
Thanks to the advertiser boycott, Lush Dimbulb’s show is in worse shape than anybody thought.

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