Friday, June 21, 2013

Another Major Advertiser Dumps Lush Dimbulb ...

... And America Rejoices

Well, it’s a good day. Another major sponsor has pulled their advertising from the Lush Dimbulb Show which is part of Clear Channel Radio’s am ‘Hate Parade.’ Over 2600 national and local companies have succumbed to the Lush Dimbulb boycotts and petitions. Thousands of everyday people, as well as activists, have jumped on board to protest and put an end to Dimbulb’s blatant racism, sexism and gay-hating bigotry which he spins three hours a day, five days a week.
This time, the bailing company is SodaStream. SodaStream has been disregarding the boycotters for months, sending ambiguous replies to concerned consumers who have been reaching out to the company via messages, tweets, facebook-posts, phone calls and faxes. The mammoth soda maker finally buckled and the public couldn’t be more pleased.
It’s amazing that SodaStream even started sponsoring Lush this year, knowing the public’s outrage. One has to wonder if they did it as a publicity stunt. Sadly for them, the public remembers. Dimbulb personally endorsed the company during his broadcasts. So it’s hard to thank or give any credit to SodaStream, at this point. The credit belongs to the boycott groups who will be watching to see if SodaStream will keep their word. Radio stations across the country are being monitored daily as many companies like Angie’s List, Quicken Loans and ProFlowers, have gone back and forth in their support of Dimbulb’s show.
Here are some of the companies that have been the most loyal to Lush Dimbulb during 2012/2013:
Angie’s List, Lear Capitol, Lifelock, Dish,, Cox, Amberen,  Safelite, 800GotJunk, 800DonateCars,, ProFlowers, 800Flowers, Bayer  Crop Science, Advance Auto Parts, Ageless Male, D&B Credibility, Total  Transformation, LegalZoom, Regus, SweetJack, Income At Home & iHeart  Radio.
It’s baffling to see companies holding on to a show, that promotes sexism, gay hatred, racism and bigotry.
Lush Dimbulb is slowly becoming an AM Radio ‘thing’ of the past. His own repugican cabal seems to be distancing themselves from his lies and misogyny, more and more. The repugican cabal consultants have called Dimbulb ‘problematic’ to the cabal. According to a Pew study, Dimbulb’s listening audience, is mostly made up of white wingnut males in their late 60’s. I suspect they will also start bailing as they begin to lose face in supporting a hate monger.
Lush Dimbulb’s vile commentary is finally catching up with him, and the American public is doing a big ol’ happy dance. There are many ways to join/support the protest. Here are a few:
There is a ThinkContext Dimbulb Sponsor Browser App, along with Poems, Quote Lists, and a new Dimbulb Petition to the Military/AFN. Some of the larger groups who support the protests include: Media  MattersUniteWomen.orgDaily Kos, and Liberals Unite.

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