Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hypocritical ... Again

From Daily Kos...

Hard-right fiscal hawk Tim Huelskamp finds some pork he likes

"When I say government spends too much money, I mean in other people's districts."

Sure is funny how all this "fiscal responsibility" stuff gets drop-kicked from the top of the Rotunda when the crazy sequester hawks are talking about their own districts:

    Tim Huelskamp of Kansas has been one of the most vocal tea-party-backed conservatives in the House, but his calls to shrink the size of government didn't apply when it came to bringing a new Department of Homeland Security lab to his district.

    About $404 million for construction of the lab in Manhattan, Kan., was included in the fiscal 2014 Homeland Security bill (HR 2217) that the House passed this week; Huelskamp and other Kansas Republicans fought back attempts to drop the funding from the bill and keep the veterinary research facility at a site on Long Island, N.Y.

The veterinary lab will be a windfall for his district, which is of course why he's demanding it now as he makes a name for himself elsewhere as one of the most stubborn hard-right conservatives out there; even the Paul Ryan budget wasn't cutty-stabby enough for him. Now that we're talking about researching literal pork, though, it isn't pork.

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