Wednesday, June 26, 2013

In the News

Hunting the source of the mysterious Windsor Hum 

The Windsor Hum is a weird thing — a low-frequency buzzing that drives some people in Windsor, Ontario crazy and, yet, doesn't seem to be heard by the Americans who live closest to its source, an island crowded with industrial facilities. As part of a new feature exploring environmental mysteries, Kim Tingley looks at how grantees of the Canadian government are attempting to identify the exact cause of the Windsor Hum, and how an American company is getting away with banning them from the island. 

Risk of forest fires rising near Chernobyl

A trend towards drier, hotter summers in the forests around the abandoned nuclear power plant at Chernobyl has increased the risks of forest fires in the region — which is a big deal, considering the fact that trees and plants in the area have absorbed some of the radioactive isotopes from the 1986 disaster. If they burn, more people will be exposed to airborne particles. It's a small fraction compared with the people exposed by the original Chernobyl power plant fire, but still dangerous. 

Pork-laced ammo, for people who think jihadis are sharia werewolves

A group of Idaho "gun enthusiasts" have created a line of ammunition meant to fight Islamic extremists. The bullets are coated in pork-infused paint. Apparently some people think that halal dietary laws are somehow related to lycanthropy. 

Meet a man in Hollywood whose job title is Military liaison 

KPCC radio in LA talks to Lt. Steven Cole, who serves as one of the US Army's liasons to Hollywood. — 

Texas set to execute 500th death-row inmate 

In what reads to be an astounding example of wrong, Texas is set to execute its 500th death-row inmate today. Lincoln Caplan, at the NYT, blogs a very compelling case to stay this execution, "Texas’s death penalty system is notorious for its high tolerance of ineffective counsel for defendants, overly zealous prosecutors, and racial discrimination in jury selection. The case of Kimberly McCarthy, the woman scheduled for execution, seems tainted by all three."

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