Friday, June 14, 2013

T. rex coprolite

Fossilized T. rex poop
T. rex itself couldn't make it, but he sends his regards. And poop.
The Royal Saskatchewan Museum is sending a replica of its prized fossilized dinosaur poop (or "coprolite," in polite company) to the Smithsonian Institution:
According to the RSM, the T. rex coprolite was "deposited" over 65 million years ago in what is now southwest Saskatchewan. The original fossil will remain in Eastend.
Scientists say much can be learned about dinosaurs by examining their droppings. This particular coprolite contains bone fragments, confirming that the T. rex was indeed a meat eater.
Furthermore, the bone chips are shattered and still angular, not worn down by stomach acid, suggesting that the meat didn't spend much time in the dinosaur's stomach.
You sure can tell a lot by looking at someone's poop! More

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