Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tell Lush: "Obamacare Won. Move to Costa Rica"
(Lush is still spouting all kinds of garbage.  Which reminds us - why is he still here?  Send him a message -- or another message -- and tell him, "Obamacare won, move to Costa Rica!")


Well, Lush Dimbulb is apparently going apoplectic over the Supreme Court upholding President Obama's health care law.
But here's the odd thing.  We don't understand why he's still around to complain, since Lush said earlier that if this law passed, he'd leave America, and move to Costa Rica:
If Democrats didn't have all the incentive they needed to pass health care reform already, then wingnut hate talk radio host Lush Dimbulb may have provided the final push they needed by vowing to flee the country if the reform bill is passed. Responding to a caller who asked him where he would go for health care if Congress enacts reform, Dimbulb replied, "I don't know. I'll just tell you this, if this passes and it's five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented -- I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica." (Source)
Well, now that the Supreme Court has weighed in, and now that it's clear that health care reform will be implemented, we have just one thing to say to Lush:
Send Lush a message.  Tell him the make good on his promise, and to start packing his bags.
(Oh, and to the good people of Costa sorry).
(P.S. - Don't tell Rush, but Costa Rica actually has universal health care).

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