Sunday, June 2, 2013

The era of 2nd Amendment terrorism has begun

It was only a matter of time.  You can only tell people so many times that the socialist Muslim is plotting to take away their guns, and then enslave all of humanity (or simply slaughter everyone), before one of those people take it upon themselves to save humanity by taking out the bad guy.Second Amendment supporters are suspected to have committed three terrorist acts this week on American soil – one against the group Mayors Against Gun Violence, another against Mayor Bloomberg, who is a staunch gun control advocate, and a third against President Obama.  All were sent similar suspicious letters, at least two contained powder, and at least one tested positive for the deadly poison Ricin.
The motivation for the attacks?  The Second Amendment:
CNN, citing a source with knowledge of the letters to Bloomberg and his gun-control group, said those letters include this:
“You will have to kill me and my family before you get my guns. Anyone wants to come to my house will get shot in the face. The right to bear arms is my constitutional God-given right and I will exercise that right till the day I die.”
NBC reports that the same gun-nut letter was sent to President Obama.
The text of the Obama letter was identical to the text in the other two letters, which warned that anyone who comes to the sender’s house will “get shot in the face” and vows to protect a constitutional and God-given right to bear arms.
The text also warned: “What’s in this letter is nothing compared to what I’ve got planned for you.”
Is anybody really surprised?  I’ve said for a while now that Second Amendment supporters have been making a great case for why they are the last people on earth who should be permitted to own a gun.  And these terrorist attacks prove it.
Think about it.  The NRA has been justifying their need to bear arms based on, what they seem to be suggesting, will be a coming zombie apocalypse.  Who wouldn’t be scared witless after reading this recent missive from NRA head Wayne LaPierre:
After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all….
Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.
Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that.
According to the NRA, it’s quite literally the end of the world coming, and Barack Obama wants you and your family to die.  What do people do when someone tries to kill their family?  They try to stop that killer first.
Is it any wonder that people like James Yeager, the CEO of Tactical Response, a Tennessee company that specializes in weapons and tactical training, would post a video on Facebook and YouTube talking about how he’s going to start “killing people” if Obama acts on his fiendish anti-gun plans:
“I”m not f’g putting up with this… if it goes one inch further, I’m gonna start killing people.”
Of course, the dirty little secret is that Second Amendment advocates want their guns in order to fight the government, not the blacks and the immigrants. LaPierre’s zombie apocalypse is a recent swerve away from the more common gun-nut theme of how the evil gummint is coming to get you, and the only thing that will stop them is your gun. Clearly, the gun groups are getting a little worried that their “stop the government at all costs” message might just come back to haunt them. And haunting them it is, now that pro-gun supporters are launching terrorist attacks in the name of the Second Amendment.
But what are rural gun nuts supposed to think when they hear garbage like this on a daily basis from NRA board members like Todd Ratner?

Then there’s NRA board member Ted Nugent, another great profile in prozac.  There’s so much on Nugent, it’s easier just to send you to our archives, so you can peruse the extremism at your leisure.
Keep in mind, these are people whose motto talks about having to take their guns out of their “cold dead hands.”  Meaning, you’ll have to kill them in order to beat them politically.  Again, any surprise that people like that have turned violent?
We’re talking about guns.  Instruments of extreme violence.  And now we’re supposed to be surprised that people who have a fetish for violence are using violence.  The repugicans, and their allies in the gun groups, the religio-wingnuts, the tea party and all the rest, have consistently told Americans that the United States Government is the enemy. Just look at the way they demonize judges, and federal employees, and the IRS.
After you tell people that the government is quite literally the enemy, and repeat it for a few decades, and then arm your supporters against that enemy, is it any wonder that people eventually take up arms to stop that enemy?
And finally, think of the violence we’ve seen in our country over the past few decades.  How many have been liberal-themed and how many have been wingnut-themed?  How much of the violence comes from gay people (perhaps one attack in 20 years), and how much from the anti-gays (hate crimes abound).  How many from anti-gun supporters (zero), and how many from gun nuts (there are shootings every week).  How much violent from pro-choicers (zero), and how much from pro-lifers (all the abortion doctor murders, for starters).
There is a reason that so much of the political violence in this country comes from people who embrace right-wing ideology.
Second Amendment advocates have no one to blame but themselves for the terrorist turn their movement has now taken.

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