Monday, June 17, 2013

The repugican cabal, their supporters, and Münchausen Syndrome By Proxy

From Occupy Democrats

by Lisa Longo

Sometimes our children do amazing things. And we all like to brag about their amazing feats of agility, strength and intelligence. But sometimes you come across a parent who likes to complain instead of brag. We've all met them, the drama queens who love to tell you every misery and mistake their child makes. The tall tale tellers who say they don't want to create "more" drama, and then carry on with their melodramatic musings and pedantic pronouncements.

These parents take great pleasure in sharing their "misfortune" and seem to create circumstances that put their children in the worst possible light, but puts them in the spotlight. There is even a name for it, Munchausen Syndrome by proxy.

According to Wikipedia:

    Münchausen syndrome by proxy(MSbP or MBP) is a controversial term that is used to describe a behavior pattern in which a caregiver deliberately exaggerates, fabricates, and/or induces physical, psychological, behavioral, and/or mental health problems in those who are in their care

We've been friends with such a parent. And it isn't easy. The constant catastrophes. The continual complaints and contrived circumstances that always end in this parent being "misunderstood". The doctors who don't get it. The hospital staff that won't agree with her diagnosis. The therapists who give bad advice. It is hard to watch. We've had our concerns and tried to help, but you can't help someone who is hell-bent on being the producer, director and star of their own scary movie. They simply don't want the help. It dims their spotlight.

But I've come to the conclusion that this syndrome is actually a national problem. And the biggest victims are a few repugicans in the House and the wingnut hate speakers on Faux and talk radio. Yes indeed, the repugican cabal seems to have a bad case of "deliberately exaggerating, fabricating and inducing physical, psychological, behavioral and/or mental health problems in those who are in their care."

Now, the House Democrats aren't totally pure and blame-free, and there are one or two liberal commentators that lean pretty far left to make their point, and they've got their own issues, mostly along the lines of what I think of as premature effectiveness. They have great ideas, but they so often just can't hold out long enough to get the job done.

There is a huge difference between telling supporters to go out and buy guns and ammo, stockpile food, water and gold,  and telling them to go write a letter to your Congressperson or to make a call to your Senator.

That is the difference between conservative and liberal commentators. The barking Brick, vocal vomit spewing Dimbulb and hateful Hand-job tell listeners they have to bear arms because the "time is coming" when citizens will have to "defend themselves" from their own government. And yes, that is exactly what is said every day from 9am until 6pm on wingnut hate talk radio.

I know because I force myself to listen to their drivel. I consider it self-defense.

And just like the children of parents with Munchausen Syndrome by proxy, the followers of these dogmatic drama queens suffer the consequences. They believe what they hear is true, and then they act based upon the delusional drama they are fed constantly.

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