Saturday, June 15, 2013

Today in History

1184   King Magnus of Norway is defeated by his rival, Sverre.  
1215   King John signs the Magna Carta.  
1381   The English peasant revolt is crushed in London.  
1389   Ottoman Turks crush Serbia in the Battle of Kosovo.  
1607   Colonists in North America complete James Fort in Jamestown.  
1752   Benjamin Franklin and his son test the relationship between electricity and lightning by flying a kite in a thunder storm.  
1775   George Washington is named Commander in Chief by Congress.  
1779   American General Anthony Wayne captures Stony Point, New York.  
1836   Arkansas is admitted into the Union as the 25th state.  
1846   Great Britain and the United States agree on a joint occupation of Oregon Territory.  
1849   James K. Polk, the 11th president of the United States, dies.  
1862   General J.E.B. Stuart completes his "ride around McClellan."  
1864   The Battle for Petersburg begins.  
1866   Prussia attacks Austria.  
1877   Henry O. Flipper becomes the first African American to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.  
1898   The U.S. House of representatives approves the annexation of Hawaii.  
1916   President Woodrow Wilson signs a bill incorporating the Boy Scouts of America.  
1917   Great Britain pledges the release of all Irish captured during the Easter Rebellion of 1916.  
1920   Three African Americans are lynched in Duluth, Minnesota, by a white mob of 5,000.  
1928   Republicans, convening in Kansas City, name Herbert Hoover their candidate for President.  
1932   Gaston Means is sentenced to 15 years for fraud in the Lindbergh baby kidnapping.  
1940   The French fortress of Verdun is captured by Germans.  
1944   U.S. Marines begin the invasion of Saipan in Pacific.  
1947   The All-Indian Congress accepts a British plan for the partition of India.  
1958   Greece severs military ties to Turkey because of the Cyprus issue.  
1964   The last French troops leave Algeria.  
1977   The first general election in Spain since 1936 results in victory for the UCD (Union of Democratic Centre).

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