Thursday, June 27, 2013

Woman called 911 about brawling squirrel and snake on her patio

A Gold Canyon, Arizona, woman called 911 and told the dispatcher there was brawl on her back patio between a gopher snake and a ground squirrel.
When firefighters arrived the two had been going at it for a half hour with no plans of stopping. The squirrel took every opportunity to gnaw on the snake's body. Tangled in the arm of the chair the snake only managed to get in a couple of strikes.

Firefighters had to step in and break up the brawl. The snake had a few nicks when it was released back into the desert but firefighters said it looked like it would be just fine.

"Typically the ground squirrel is food for a snake so it was kind of interesting to see the tables turned a little bit," said Firefighter Ryan Philips. Philips said he believed the squirrel had a nest nearby.

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