Thursday, July 11, 2013

Abusive debt collector hit with record fine

Intimidation, abuse, deception: everyone knows what debt collectors will do to get paid. But Expert Global Solutions, the world's largest debt collection outfit, somehow managed to earn the biggest fine ever--$3.2m--for harassing and victimizing Americans. From the FTC blog:
In its complaint, the FTC charged that the companies violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the FTC Act by using tactics such as calling consumers multiple times per day, calling even after being asked to stop, calling early in the morning or late at night, calling consumers’ workplaces despite knowing that the employers prohibited such calls, and leaving phone messages that disclosed the debtor’s name, and the existence of the debt, to third parties. According to the FTC’s complaint, the companies also continued collection efforts without verifying the debt, even after consumers said they did not owe it.

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