Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Astronomical News

Enjoy some of the most inspiring, beautiful and down-right stunning photos from our adventures in space this past week.
Can the hunt for the Higgs boson finally be laid to rest? No -- physicists have only just begun.
The UK SETI Research Network (UKSRN) is eying government funds to create a large-scale effort to seek out intelligent signals from deep space.
Astronomers have discovered micro-bursts of radio waves from beyond the galaxy -- and for now, they're a mystery.
Astronomy lets us peer into some of the strangest corners of physics in a way that are incredibly hard (or impossible) to reproduce in a laboratory setting. For example, a recent discovery of pulsations from a massive white dwarf star … 
Mars rover Curiosity may have a busy schedule of science while exploring Gale Crater, but that doesn't mean it can't enjoy the view once and a while.
In a first, NASA personnel on the International Space Station control an Earth-bound rover.
How early in our Universe's evolution did planets begin to form? By looking at a galaxy 11 billion light-years away, astronomers think they might have a clue.

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