Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bob Schieffer Slams repugicans for Giving Out Corporate Welfare Instead of Helping the Poor

While millions of poor and middle class Americans vote repugican, repugican cabal politicians make it clear where their allegiance lies—with the wealthy and big corporations.They don’t even attempt to hide this fact.  They constantly oppose programs that would help the poor, and build their entire economic ideology upon policies which always benefit the rich.
So it should come as no surprise that repugicans would choose to approve billions of dollars being given to giant farm owning corporations, while not approving a single dollar for the poor.
Bob Schieffer called out repugican Representative Mike Kelly this past weekend after the House of Representatives did exactly that.
See, earlier this month House repugicans passed a bill which removed funding for SNAP, but went ahead and gave billions of dollars in farm subsidies to big farm owning corporations.  The repugican defense of this is of course that they “couldn’t pass a bill which included both provisions, so they decided to separate the two.”
Funny, they had no problem quickly approving a bill which hands over billions of dollars to big business, but they chose to leave out the part which would fund food stamps for hungry, poor people (many of which are children).
As Schieffer told Kelly, “It’s almost like welfare for the wealthy, but you don’t include a dollar for hungry people for food stamps. What kind of message is that?”
And I couldn’t agree more.  While I don’t doubt a compromise couldn’t be reached to pass a bill which included both farm subsidies and food stamps, it’s laughable that once again repugicans made sure they took care of big business first and put off helping the poor.
But even as Kelly tried to claim that the food stamp bill was coming, he continued the tired rhetoric repugicans often use by saying, “What bothers me is that one in six Americans is on this program.  We’re wasting billions on a program that’s not lifting people from poverty, but keeping them in.”
Interesting, he doesn’t seem to feel that way about the billions he just voted in favor of giving to big corporations.  Maybe it’s time we stop giving them welfare and maybe they will no longer “need it”—as repugicans claim.
It seems repugicans feel that welfare “keeps people addicted to poverty” while believing corporate welfare is “vital for the health of our nation’s economy.”  Only in the delusional world Republicans live in can corporations worth billions of dollars need government assistance, while millions of people living on less than $15,000 per year to support their entire family are just looking for a free handout.
Democratic Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin responded to Kelly’s ridiculous accusations about Americans on welfare by saying, “It’s because their wages and incomes are so low.  They’re working but they can’t feed their children. It isn’t a matter of defrauding American taxpayers.”
It never fails that if a bill must be passed, repugicans make damn sure that their big corporate buddies, or the wealthy, get taken care of while everyone else can fend for themselves
Any time I think of the millions of Americans in this country, mostly poor and middle class, who continue to vote repugican (and essentially against their own self interests) it just blows my mind.
And this farm bill showed once again exactly where repugican allegiances lie.  And it’s not with 98% of Americans, it’s with the top 2% and big business.
Passing legislation which helps the rest of us just seems to get in the repugican cabal’s way.

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