Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dead People Aren't Voting

From The Political Carnival
For years, South Carolina repugicans have complained about the names of dead voters being used to cast ballots in a broad voter fraud scheme. Now that a recent report by the State Law Enforcement Division has blown up those claims, unable to find a single example of a "zombie voter" committing fraud, one Democrat is demanding that Gov. Nikki Haley (r) apologize for her party's "bogus" crusade.

"And once again, South Carolina's taxpayers have to foot the bill for the millions of dollars unnecessarily spent as a result of Governor Haley and her colleagues' incompetence and blind-ideology."

Rutherford went on to call for Haley and repugicans to "acknowledge that they were being dishonest about voter fraud" and to "apologize to the public."

It'll be like waiting for hell to freeze over

Because, you see, repugican lies don't need to be true - the lies feed into the fear, hate and frenzy of the crazy-ass wingnuts who jump every time they see their shadow. A confession or retraction from the Governor would simply fall on deaf ears to people who do not want the truth - and meanwhile the repugicans will continue to lie.

We need a law like Canada's where it is illegal to tell a lie on television.

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