Sunday, July 7, 2013

Did you know ...

5 reasons cops want to legalize marijuana

rare orange lobster caught in the bay of fundy

man creates 'invisible headphines' by implanting magnets in his ear

 hemp-made flag to fly over capitol today

claire mccaskill says there is no war on men

record sales for smith & wesson

and a scary new sci-fi novel imagines president sarah palin
daryl issa made nearly 60 million dollars in 2012

the united states of alec

johnny depp and armie hammer, stars of the new film the lone ranger, both have historical family roots in American justice

and congratulations to echidne of the snakes, who celebrates her 10,000th post!

unsettled thoughts on the surveillance state, part one and part two

how the 1% of the 1% dominate our elections

telescope slated to allow net surfers to view the earth from the moon

and rip black martial arts hero and star of films including "enter the dragon," jim kelly

mormon mom who worked on prop 8 now fights for gay son

cities that take environmental action see measurable economic and health benefits

if you write an article about the dangers of chemistry, make sure you know something about chemistry

how costly is confronting sexist speech?

food stamp use highest in red states

how the hum of a coffee shop can increase creativity

the fight for secularism in turkey

the family research council needs to learn about Freudian slips

NIH to retire most chimps from medical research

how the republicans made America a top poverty creator

are MSNBC viewers possessed by demons?

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