Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Firing 'attractive' assistant is Legal

Dentist's wife saw her as a threat

An Iowa dentist did not discriminate against a female assistant he fired for being "too attractive," the Iowa Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Friday in its second decision in the case.

In December, the all-male court ruled that Dr. James Knight did not discriminate in firing Melissa Nelson after more than 10 years' service because he found her too attractive and his wife saw her as a threat.

Nelson had argued she would not have been fired if she were a man, and her attorney argued in seeking a second hearing that their decision was a setback for gender equality in the workplace.

In late June, the justices decided to reconsider the case.

If you read the whole story, the dentist began hitting on her in 2009.

Why should she be fired because HE was inappropriate at work?

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