Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Korean News Station Pokes Fun at American News Station by Giving American Pilots Fake Names

You may remember that two weeks ago, an Asiana airliner crashed in San Francisco. Local news station KTVU gave the flight crew fake and obscene names. It was a public relations disaster for the station and led to the firing of at least 3 employees.
Last week, a Southwest airliner crashed in New York City. Thankfully, there were no fatalities. According to Slothed, a Korean news program mocked KTVU by giving the airliner's pilots and passengers fake names:
It looks like a Korean news agency is having some fun at KTVU’s expense. After the landing gear failure of the Southwest flight at LGA they showed this graphic with American pilot names “Captain Kent Parker Wright”, “Co-Captain Wyatt Wooden Workman”.
They even went as far as making up fake names for people to interview. Flight instructor “Heywood U. Flye-Moore” and skeptical passenger “Macy Lawyers”.
Please note that at the time that I wrote this post, I could not verify this story through other sources.

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