Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lush Dimbulb's Terrible Day Gets Worse With Claim Nobody Ever Denied Right to Marry

Floundering wingnut radio hate-speech show host Lush Dimbulb continues to make an ass of himself despite his regular claims to have "talent on loan from god."
In his defense, it was a rough morning on Wednesday, as Dimbulb heard about the Supreme Court decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act while drinking his morning glass of endangered clouded leopard milk:
So maybe Lush didn't bring his A game to the golden microphone.  But when a caller defended gay marriage, Dimbulb made a claim that most middle school students could refute:
"Nobody has ever been denied the right to get married.  Not a single person."
Audio here Even worse, Dimbulb's ludicrous claim came AFTER the caller attempted to explain something about the history of bans on interracial marriage in the United States:
CALLER:  ...miscegenation laws back in the fifties and sixties... I'm sure a lot of people were in favor of that, too, but it was wrong. It was wrong then; it's wrong now.
LUSH:  The what laws back in the fifties and sixties?
CALLER:  Miscegenation.
LUSH:  Miscegenation laws?
CALLER:  Yeah, miscegenation.  It's when white and blacks couldn't marry. It was the law in 26 states.
Had Dimbulb been paying attention in school, he would have learned about Loving v. State of Virginia, the 1967 Supreme Court case that overturned bans on interracial marriage. But, then again, El Lushbo has never been big on accuracy and truth.

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