Thursday, July 25, 2013

North Carolina repugican Lawmakers Ram Through Plan That Would Increase Taxes On Poor People

Lunatic Fringe 
Just in case you aren't sure, weren't sure and never thought you would be sure - the repugican cabal is built upon the foundational issue that the rich need to get richer.

From Think Progress

North Carolina lawmakers rammed through massive tax reforms on Tuesday that would disproportionately benefit higher-income earners, bringing the measure to a vote in the House after approximately 25 minutes of debate. The legislative compromise, which was formally unveiled on Monday, represents some of the biggest most regressive changes to North Carolina's tax code in eight decades. The Senate will take up the measure on Tuesday afternoon, both chambers will hold final votes Wednesday, and Gov. Pat McCrory (r) is expected to sign it by the end of the week.
"Those with average incomes of nearly $1 million would receive a total tax cut of nearly $10,000," the North Carolina Justice Center estimated, while the bottom 80 percent of taxpayers "would experience an increase in their taxes on average."

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